ICEL 2023
20 July 2023 10:00 a.m. Istanbul
Zoom Meeting
Topic: ICEL 2023 20.07.2023
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Meeting ID: 876 6209 5062 Passcode: 251168
Time: July 21, 2023 10:00 AM Istanbul
Topic: ICEL 2023 21.07.2023
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 5295 9654 Passcode: 636610


***Akademik teÅŸvik kriterlerine uygun olarak düzenlenmekte olup Türkiye' den katılımcı kotası %45'tir.
II. International Congress of Educational Sciences and Linguists (ICEL 2023)
July 20-21, 2023, POLAND- ONLINE presentations
Dear Researchers,
II. International Congress of Educational Sciences and Linguists (ICEL 2023)
July 20-21, 2023/ Warsaw, Poland
It will be held ONLINE between 20-21 July 2023 with your support.
During the congress, all ONLINE presentations will be recorded and shared with the participants after the congress.
Participants can participate with oral and poster presentations.
Publication Language:
All sub-branches of Education and Linguistics
Online presentations and poster presentations will be made in all sub-branches of Education and Linguistics at the Congress. At the end of the congress, the Congress Abstract Book with ISBN number and the Congress Proceeding Full Text Book with ISBN number will be published.
Our congress is held in accordance with the criteria of Associate Professorship and all academic promotions.
After the congress, participation certificates will be sent to the e-mail addresses of the participants.
We invite you to our Congress, which will be held between July 20-21, 2023.
You can send your papers to
Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Isa Spahiu, State University of Tetova - North Macedonia
Assist. Prof. Enkeleda Lulaj, University Haxhi Zeka Kosovo/ Kosovo
Coordinators of the Congress
Assist. Prof. Enkeleda Lulaj, PhD University Haxhi Zeka Kosovo/ Kosovo
Novriest Umbu Walangara- NAU, Malaysia
Organising Team
Prof. Dr. Isa Spahiu State University of Tetova - North Macedonia
Dr. Zuhri Saputra Hutabarat, Malaysia
Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli Studi di Foggia/Italy
Assist. Prof. Magdaline Enow MBI Tarkang Mary Istanbul GeliÅŸim University, Türkiye
Md. Harun Rashid Faculty of Modern Language and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia/Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Emilia ALAVERDOV, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Scientific & Peer Review Committee
Prof. Dr. Anjali Awasthi and Concordia University Research Chair CIISE- EV 7.636, Concordia University, Montreal/Canada
Prof. Dr. Joanna Paliszkiewicz- Warsaw University of Life Sciences -Management Institute/PolandDr. Aijaz A. Shaikh- Postdoc Researcher, University of Jyväskylä/ Finland
• Prof. Dr. Anjali Awasthi and Concordia University Research Chair CIISE, Concordia University, Montreal/ Canada
• Pr. Pascal Nguyen, University of Montpellier, France
• Prof. Dr. Victor Maas, University of Amsterdam/The Netherlands
• Prof. Samuel Fosso Wamba, Toulouse Business School/France
• Prof. Dr. Mounia Benabdullah, Université Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne/France
• Prof. Dr. Rim Faiz, University of Carthage/Tunisia
• Prof. Dr. Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt, UPC/Spain
• Prof. Dr.Ruben Ruiz, Universitat Politècnica de València/ Spain
• Assoc. Prof. Shajara Ul-Durar, University for the Creative Arts, United Kingdom
• Assist. Prof. Safraz Hussain, Government Graduate College Liaqat Road Sahiwal/Pakistan
• Assist. Prof. Taghreed Abu Sarhan, Social Work, Department of Social Work, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates University/AL-AIN United Arab Emirates
. Assist. Prof. Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee, Istinye University, Türkiye
• Assist. Prof. Enkeleda Lulaj, Finance and Accounting, PhD University Haxhi Zeka Kosovo/ Kosovo
• Dr. Ayoub Khan (Senior Member, IEEE) received a Ph. D from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi/ India
• Dr. Parvez Alam Khan, Doctoral/PhD st., Universiti Teknologi Petronas/Malaysia
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. Emilia ALAVERDOV, Georgian Technical University/Georgia
Dr. Monica Mastrantonio/UK
Dr. Hemant Kumar Gianey/India
Dr. Muhammad Zia ur Rehman/Pakistan
Sociolinguistics: Dr. AhdiHassan, Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship: Amsterdam/Netherlands
Lecturer Olga IPATOVA/Belarus
​Registration Fee: 40 USD (Payment e-mail will be sent for accepted papers).
500 Turkish Liras
In the explanation section of the receipt: ICEL-2023 Paper Participation Fee will be written Surname_ Name.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 18 July 2023
Payment and registration: 02.06.2023-19 July 2023
Deadline for submission of full text: 23 July 2023
Congress program broadcast date: July 19, 2023
Proceedings Book - Publication date: 27 July 2023
​Registration Fee: 500 Turkish Liras
Bildiri Ä°statistikleri
Azerbaijan: 3
Pakistan: 2
Türkiye: 4
Ukraine: 1
Indonesia: 1
Kabul Edilen Bildiriler/Accepted Papers
1-Emil Raul oÄŸlu AÄŸayev-Methodology of teaching Azerbaijani art in the 7th class fine arts textbook/Azerbaijan (presentation date: July 20, 2023)
2-Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob, Dr. Muhammad Zia ur Rehman, Mrs. Maria Zia-The Impact of Education on Communication Competencies – Analysing the Paradigms/ Pakistan (presentation date: July 20, 2023)
3-Prof. Dr., Hikmat Hasanov & Ph.D., Ismayil Zeynalov-Development of a radioactive precipitation monitoring system based on wireless technology training/Azerbaijan (presentation date: July 20, 2023)
4-Assoc. Prof. Sevinj Aghayeva-Literary Language Issues in the Environment of Eastern Anatolia (Based on the Creativity of Yusif Maddah) /Azerbaijan (presentation date: July 20, 2023)
5-Cemile Erik- Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-8: Adaptation to Turkish/Türkiye (presentation date: July 21, 2023)
6-Neslihan Turan-Independent-Interdependent Problem-Solving Style Scale: Adaptation to Turkish/Türkiye (presentation date: July 21, 2023)
7-Assist. Prof. Neslihan Günaydın Albay-A Poststructuralist Analysis of David Henry Hwang’s “M. Butterfly”/Türkiye (presentation date: July 21, 2023)
8-Smetanska M., PhD., Makovii M., PhD., Zhovnir O., PhD. - Mechanisms of management of self-educational process of foreign students at technical university: from the experience of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture-Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture/ Ukraine (presentation date: July 21, 2023)
9-PhD, Imron Wakhid, Harits-Constructivism on Madura’s Children Tales/Trunojoyo University, Indonesia (presentation date: July 21, 2023)
10-Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Dr. Hasan Murad-Artificial Intelligence: A Winning Strategy in Supply Chain Education/Pakistan (presentation date: July 20, 2023)
11-Dr. Özlem KaraaÄŸaç Tuna- EFL Learners’ Translanguaging Processes While Getting Prepared for Their Speaking Tasks in Language Classes/Türkiye (presentation date: July 21, 2023)
2 st International Congress of Educational Sciences and Linguists (ICEL 2023) July 20-21, 2023 Warsaw/ POLAND
ICEL 2023
Abstract Book
(ISBN: 978-625-8284-76-8)
1-Lecturer Emil Raul oÄŸlu AÄŸayev, Methodology of teaching Azerbaijani art in the 7th class fine arts textbook- 1
2-Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob, Dr. Muhammad Zia ur Rehman, Mrs. Maria Zia, The Impact of Education on Communication Competencies – Analysing the Paradigms-2-3
3-Prof. Dr., Hikmat Hasanov & Ph.D., Ismayil Zeynalov, Development of a radioactive precipitation monitoring system based on wireless technology training-4
4-Assoc. Prof. Sevinj Aghayeva, Literary Language Issues in the Environment of Eastern Anatolia (Based on the Creativity of Yusif Maddah)-5-6
5-Prof. Dr. Halil EkÅŸi & Cemile Erik, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-8: Adaptation to Turkish-7-8
6-Prof. Dr. Halil EkÅŸi & Neslihan Turan, Independent-Interdependent Problem-Solving Style Scale: Adaptation to Turkish-9-10
7-Assist. Prof. Neslihan Günaydın Albay, A Poststructuralist Analysis of David Henry Hwang’s “M. Butterfly”-11
8-Smetanska M., PhD., Makovii M., PhD., Zhovnir O., PhD., Mechanisms of management of the self-educational process of foreign students at technical university: from the experience of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture-12-14
9-PhD., Imron Wakhid, Harits, Constructivism on Madura’s Children Tales-15
10-Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Dr. Hasan Murad, Artificial Intelligence: A Winning Strategy in Supply Chain Education-16-17
11-Dr. Özlem KaraaÄŸaç Tuna, EFL Learners’ Translanguaging Processes While Getting Prepared for Their Speaking Tasks in Language Classes-18
2 st International Congress of Educational Sciences and Linguists (ICEL 2023) July 20-21, 2023 Warsaw/ POLAND
ICEL 2023
Proceedings Book
ISBN: 978-625-8284-77-5)
1-Lecturer Emil Raul oÄŸlu AÄŸayev, Methodology of teaching Azerbaijani art in the 7th class fine arts textbook-1-7
2-Prof. Dr., Hikmat Hasanov & Ph.D., Ismayil Zeynalov, Development of a radioactive precipitation monitoring system based on wireless technology training-8-14
3-Prof. Dr. Halil EkÅŸi & Cemile Erik, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-8: Adaptation to Turkish-15-29
4-Prof. Dr. Halil EkÅŸi & Neslihan Turan, Independent-Interdependent Problem-Solving Style Scale: Adaptation to Turkish-30-44
5-PhD., Imron Wakhid, Harits, Constructivism on Madura’s Children Tales-45-67
6-Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Dr. Hasan Murad, Artificial Intelligence: A Winning Strategy in Supply Chain Education-68-104
7-Dr. Özlem KaraaÄŸaç Tuna, EFL Learners’ Translanguaging Processes While Getting Prepared for Their Speaking Tasks in Language Classes-105-118