ISBN: 978-625-6276-12-3
ISBN: 978-625-6276-13-0
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Kongremiz, akademik teşvik ve yeni doçentlik kriterlerine uygun olarak yapılmaktadır.
Kongre sunumu yaparken lütfen aşağıdaki arka planı kullanınız.
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2024 CHAIR
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto
UNIFACVEST Facvest University Center, Brazil

There are 2 virtual conference rooms. The congress was organized according to Türkiye time. To calculate the time for your country: The World Clock — Worldwide
5 st International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies 27-28 December 2024 (CMR University, Bangalore/INDIA)
27 December 2024 10:00 a.m. Istanbul
Zoom Meeting
Topic: 5. ICSSIET 2024 27.12.2024
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Meeting ID: 762 5356 1545
Passcode: 570895
5 st International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies 27-28 December 2024 (CMR University, Bangalore/INDIA)
28 December 2024 10:00 a.m. Istanbul
Zoom Meeting Topic: 5. ICSSIET 2024 28.12.2024
Zoom Meeting
Topic: 5. ICSSIET 2024 27.12.2024
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Meeting ID: 762 5356 1545
Passcode: 570895
5. ICSSIET 2024
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: December 09, 2024
Payment-registration: November 15 2024 -December 20 2024
Deadline for submission of full text:December 21, 2024
Congress program publication date: December 25, 2024
Congress book exact publication date (abstract): December 30, 2024
Congress book exact publication date (proceedings): December 31, 2024
INDEX: At Least 20+ University Libraries-Google Books
*Kongre kitaplarımız EBSCO indeksinde ve 20'den fazla uluslararası üniversite kütüphane kataloğunda yer almaktadır.



library.mst.edu – Curtis Laws Wilson Library | Missouri S&T

Danışma Kurulu/Advisory Board
Kongre Başkanları/Congress Chairs
Organizasyon Kurulu/Organising Team
Kongre Koordinatörü/Coordinators of the Congress
• Dr. Richa Goel, Symbiosis International, Deemed University
• Dr. Tilottama Singh, Uttaranchal University
• Dr. Enkeleda Lulaj, University Haxhi Zeka
• Putri Hergianasari, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
• Rizki Amalia Yanuartha, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
• Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli Studi di Foggia/Italy
Bilimsel & Hakem Değerlendirme Kurulu/Scientific & Peer Review Committe
• Prof. Dr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta-CMR University, India
• Prof. Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo-Dean of International Relations at Veni Creator University, Brasil
• Assoc. Prof. Shajara Ul-Durar-University of Sunderland-UK
• Assist. Prof. Safraz Hussain, Government Graduate College Liaqat Road Sahiwal/Pakistan
• Assist. Prof. Biswa Mohana Jena, Department of Commerce, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose College, Sambalpur, Odisha/India
• Dr. Parvez Alam Khan, PhD., Universiti Teknologi Petronas/Malaysia
• Assist. Prof. Enkeleda Lulaj, University Haxhi Zeka
Onur Konukları/Guest of Honour
Assoc. Prof. Shajara Ul-Durar-University of Sunderland-UK
Dr. Aijaz A. Shaikh-Postdoc Researcher, University of Jyväskylä/ Finland
Açılış Konuşmacıları/ Keynote Speakers
*Prof. Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo-Dean of International Relations at Veni Creator University, Brasil (Katılacak)
*Prof. Dr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta-CMR University, India (Katılacak)
*Assoc.Prof. Elshan Ahmadov-The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Katılacak)
*Assoc. Prof. Hemant Kumar Gianey-NMIMS University, India (Katılacak)
*Dr. Mönica Mastrantonio, PhD in Social Psychology, visiting professor at the University of York (UK) (Katılacak)
Değerli Araştırmacılar,
Daha önce farklı tarihlerde yapılan kongrelerin devamı olarak 5. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler, İnovasyon ve Eğitim Teknolojileri Kongresi, sizlerin destekleriyle 27-28 Aralık 2024 (CMR University, Bangalore/INDIA) tarihleri arasında ONLINE olarak yapılacaktır. Ev sahibi kurumun ev sahipliği yaptığına dair imzalı belgesi ile kongrede ismi yer alan tüm üyelerin izin dilekçeleri mevcuttur.
Kongre süresi boyunca ONLINE sunumların tamamı kayıt altına alınacaktır.
Katılımcılar, sözlü bildiri ve poster sunum ile katılım sağlayabilirler.
Dear Researchers,
As a continuation of the congresses held on different dates before, 5. International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies will be held ONLINE between 27-28 December 2024 (CMR University, Bangalore/INDIA) with your support. During the congress period, all ONLINE presentations will be recorded with the participants after the congress. Participants can participate with oral presentations and poster presentations.
Yayın Dili: Online Congress Language
Türkçe (Tüm Lehçeler) Turkish
Arapça Arabic
İngilizce English
İtalyanca Italian
Fransızca French
Rusça Russian
Kongrede Eğitim, Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimlerin tüm alt dallarında sözlü sunum ve poster sunum yapılabilecektir. Kongre sonunda ISBN numaralı ve doi numaralı Kongre Özet Kitabı ile ISBN numaralı ve doi numaralı Kongre Bildiri tam Metin Kitabı yayınlanacaktır.
Kongremiz, akademik teşvik ve yeni doçentlik kriterlerine uygun olarak yapılmaktadır. Türkiye'den katılımcı kotası: %45'tir.
Doçentlik başvurularında 3 puan kategorisinde değerlendirilen kongrelerimizin düzenleme ve bilim kurulu üyeleri "resmi görevlendirme yazısı" ile görevlerini icra etmektedirler. Bildiri Kitapları Web of Science (CPCI)'de Yayınlanmayan Kongreler Sunumunu yapmış olduğunuz bildirinin özeti ya da tam metni CPCI'de taranmıyorsa ve çalışmanız ISBN'li bildiri kitabında yayınlanmışsa (ICSSIET 2024) doçentlik başvurusunda bir bildiri için 3 puan verilecektir. Doçentlik kriterlerine göre katılacağınız kongrede %51 yabancı katılım şartı bulunmamaktadır. Bu şart "akademik teşvik" için geçerlidir. Doçentlik için katılacağınız uluslararası kongrelerin bilim kurulunda en az 5 yabancı uyruklu akademisyen olması gerekmektedir. (Karşılıyoruz)
In the congress, oral presentations and poster presentations can be made in all sub-branches of Education, Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences. At the end of the congress, the Congress Abstract Book numbered ISBN and doi and the full Text Book of Congress Proceedings numbered ISBN will be published.
Kongreden sonra, katılımcıların mail adreslerine katılım sertifikaları gönderilecektir.
Sizleri, 27-28 Aralık 2024 tarihleri arasında yapılacak olan 5. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler, İnovasyon ve Eğitim Teknolojileri Kongresi’ne davet ediyoruz. Özet/ Tam Metin Bildiriniz Türkçe dilinde ise Özet kısmının İngilizce dilinde yazılmış halini de tarafımıza göndermeniz gerekmektedir.
You can send your paper to icssietcongress@gmail.com.
5. ICSSIET 2024
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: December 09, 2024
Payment-registration: November 15 2024 -December 20 2024
Deadline for submission of full text:December 21, 2024
Congress program publication date: December 25, 2024
Congress book exact publication date (abstract): December 30, 2024
Congress book exact publication date (proceedings): December 31, 2024

Keynote Speakers

Günümüzde başarılı girişimciler, ileri teknoloji ve yenilikler getirerek, ülkelerin ve işletmelerin küresel rekabet koşullarına ayak uydurabilmesi için hayati bir rol üstlenmektedir. Girişimciliğin bu dinamizmi, sürdürülebilir insani ve ekonomik kalkınma açısından da büyük bir değer taşımaktadır. Bu yüzden girişimcilik ekosistemine dair bilgi üretmek, yenilikçi çözümler paylaşmak ve bu alandaki gelişmeleri desteklemek kritik önemdedir. Bu hedeflere ulaşmada sizin değerli katkılarınız ve katılımınız, yeni ufuklar açmamıza yardımcı olacaktır.
Multidisipliner çalışmalarımızın odağında bu tür küresel ve yerel dönüşüm süreçleri yer almaktadır. Çeşitli sektörlerde inovasyon ve stratejik gelişim temalı aşağıdaki konu başlıkları, bu etkinlik boyunca ele alacağımız başlıklardan yalnızca birkaçıdır:
Öne Çıkan Konular (Bunlarla sınırlı değildir):
Eğitim ve Girişimcilik: Eğitim sistemlerinin girişimcilik ekosistemine adaptasyonu ve girişimcilik ruhunun genç nesillere kazandırılması.
Uzaktan Eğitim ve Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemleri: Dijital eğitim araçlarının gelişimi ve yeni nesil öğrenme yönetim sistemleri ile eğitimde dönüşüm.
Girişimcilik Eğitimi: Girişimcilik becerilerinin nasıl geliştirilebileceği ve inovatif düşünme süreçlerinin eğitim programlarına entegre edilmesi.
2024 İK Trendlerinin Odağı: İnsan kaynaklarında dönüşüm, dijitalleşme ve uzaktan çalışma sistemlerinin yeni normları.
Sosyal Medya Trendleri 2024: Pazarlama dünyasında sosyal medya platformlarının stratejik kullanımı ve yeni trendler.
Başarılı Bir Ölçümleme Planı 2024: İşletmelerde performans ölçümleme ve veriye dayalı karar alma süreçleri.
Değişimi Yönlendirmek ve İşe Değer Katmak: İş dünyasında inovasyon ve dönüşümü yönetme stratejileri.
E-Ticaret Marka Stratejisi: Dijitalleşen dünyada markalaşma ve e-ticaret stratejilerinin yeni yolları.
2024 Teknoloji Trendleri: Yapay zeka, nesnelerin interneti (IoT), blockchain gibi teknolojilerin işletmelere getirdiği yenilikler.
Geleceğe Bakış: Önümüzdeki 20 Yılın Trendleri: Teknolojik, eğitim, ekonomik ve sosyal alanlarda geleceği şekillendirecek eğilimler.
Derin İş Stratejileri: Şirketlerin sürdürülebilir büyüme için derinlemesine stratejiler geliştirmesi.
Eğitim ve sanatta (tüm alanları) İnovasyon: Eğitimde dijitalleşme, kişiselleştirilmiş öğrenme deneyimleri ve inovatif eğitim yaklaşımları.
İşletmelerde ve Bankacılıkta İnovasyon: Dijital bankacılık, fintech çözümleri ve finansal hizmetlerde inovasyon.
İşletmelerde Tasarımsal Düşünme ve İş Geliştirme: Tasarım odaklı düşünce yapısının iş geliştirme süreçlerine entegre edilmesi.
Sosyal Ticaret Trendleri: Sosyal medya platformları üzerinden ticaret yapmanın yeni yolları ve tüketici davranışlarının bu alanlardaki etkileri.
Sanayinin Dönüşümü ve Yeni Teknolojik Trendler: Endüstri 4.0, akıllı üretim teknolojileri ve sanayide dijital dönüşümün getirdiği yenilikler.
Katılımınızla, bu konularda derinlemesine bilgi ve görüş alışverişinde bulunarak geleceğe yön verecek stratejiler geliştirme fırsatımız olacak. Siz de bu süreçte, iş dünyasında ve girişimcilikte yeni yollar keşfetmek için bizimle birlikte olun!
Today, successful entrepreneurs play a vital role in bringing advanced technology and innovations to help countries and businesses keep up with global competitive conditions. This dynamism of entrepreneurship is also of great value in terms of sustainable human and economic development. Therefore, it is critical to produce information about the entrepreneurship ecosystem, share innovative solutions and support developments in this field. Your valuable contributions and participation in achieving these goals will help us open up new horizons.
Such global and local transformation processes are at the center of our multidisciplinary studies. The following topics on innovation and strategic development in various sectors are just a few of the topics we will cover during this event:
Featured Topics (Not limited to):
Education and Entrepreneurship: Adaptation of education systems to the entrepreneurship ecosystem and bringing the spirit of entrepreneurship to young generations.
Distance Education and Learning Management Systems: The development of digital education tools and transformation in education with new generation learning management systems.
Entrepreneurship Education: How to develop entrepreneurship skills and integrate innovative thinking processes into training programs.
Focus of 2024 HR Trends: New norms of transformation in human resources, digitalization and remote working systems.
Social Media Trends 2024: Strategic use of social media platforms and new trends in the marketing world.
A Successful Measurement Plan 2024: Performance measurement and data-based decision-making processes in businesses.
Driving Change and Adding Value to Business: Strategies for managing innovation and transformation in the business world.
E-Commerce Brand Strategy: New ways of branding and e-commerce strategies in the digitalizing world.
2024 Technology Trends: Innovations brought to businesses by technologies such as artificial intelligence, internet of things (IoT), blockchain.
Looking to the Future: Trends of the Next 20 Years: Trends that will shape the future in technological, educational, economic and social fields.
Deep Business Strategies: Companies develop in-depth strategies for sustainable growth.
Innovation in Education-Art: Digitalization in education, personalized learning experiences and innovative educational approaches.
Innovation in Business and Banking: Innovation in digital banking, fintech solutions, and financial services.
Design Thinking and Business Development in Business: Integrating design-oriented thinking into business development processes.
Social Trading Trends: New ways to trade through social media platforms and the effects of consumer behavior in these areas.
Industry Transformation and New Technological Trends: Industry 4.0, smart production technologies and innovations brought by digital transformation in industry.
With your participation, we will have the opportunity to exchange in-depth information and views on these issues and develop strategies that will shape the future. Be with us to discover new ways in this process, business world and entrepreneurship!
Ülke Bazlı Bildiri İstatistikleri (Abstract)
Bildiri Sayısı
Malaysia: 1
Türkiye: 7
Brazil: 3
Pakistan: 2
Indonesia: 3
Belarus: 1
Toplam : 47
Türkiye - Bildiri Sayısı Toplam: 9
Yurt Dışı - Bildiri Sayısı Toplam: 38
Katılımcı Sayısı
Malaysia: 3
Türkiye: 10
Brazil: 5
Pakistan: 4
Indonesia: 4
Belarus: 1
India- 34
Türkiye- Katılımcı Sayısı Toplam : 10
Yurt Dışı -Katılımcı Sayısı Toplam: 68
ICSSIET 2024 ABSTRACT (accepted)
1. Assist. Prof. Lt Nudrat Bano, Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Assoc. Prof. Mr. Shahzad Ahmed-Consumer Perspective in Mass Transit Project: A Case Study of OLMT (Pakistan)
2. Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Ms Ammber Nosheen- Innovative Educational Technologies and Impact on Student Learning (Pakistan)
3. Christian Osita GODSON DBA, Benneth Uchenna EZE PhD, Festus EKECHI PhD, Iyabode Abisola ADELUGBA, Oluyemisi AGBOOLA-Optimizing Technopreneurship for Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria (Nigeria)
4. Emil Raul oğlu Ağayev-Organizing Methodology of the Classroom Question-Answer Process in Fine Arts Teaching (Azerbaijan)
5. Prof. Dr. Hikmat G. Hasanov, Ismayil M. Zeynalov, Ph.D.- Manifestation of Nuclear Fallout Considering Climatic Characteristics and Implications for Business in the Territory of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)
6. Assoc. Prof., Ulker Kh. Mahmudova- Assessment of Hydrochemical Composition of the Kura River for Sustainable Business Practices (Azerbaijan)
7. Assoc. Prof., Habil T. Hakverdiyev, Mahbuba S. Fatullayeva- The Role of Climatic and Geographical Factors in Assessing the Development of Tourism and Business Opportunities in Karabakh (Azerbaijan)
8. Gülsüm AKBAŞ & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya GİRGİN-Applicability of Technology Integration in Flipped Learning Model: Teacher Opinions
9. Hasan Enes GÜMÜŞ & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya GİRGİN- Differentiated Teaching Practices: Analysis of Lesson Plan Designs for Educational Levels
10. Helin AKÇAY & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya GİRGİN—Examination of Mathematics Teachers' Opinions on Skill-Based (Next Generation) Mathematics Questions
11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Alime Aslı İLLEEZ-Gold Mine in Textile and Leather Industrial Waste (Türkiye)
12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Alime Aslı İLLEEZ-Smart Production Technologies Used in the Clothing Industry (Türkiye)
13. Ezgi AKKUŞ & Nilüfer OKUR AKÇAY- The Effect of STEM-Based Practices on the Scientific Process Skills of Primary Teacher Candidates (Türkiye)
14. Ezgi AKKUŞ & Nilüfer OKUR AKÇAY- The Views of Primary Teacher Candidates on the STEM Education Approach (Türkiye)
15. Dr. Serkan ÇİFTCİ- Examination of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of Educational Technologies In Special Education (Türkiye)
16. Dr. Serkan ÇİFTCİ- An Investigation of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of Educational Technologies In Preschool Teacher Training (Türkiye)
17. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytekin ZEYNALOVA-Munich Security Conference—a platform according to diplomatic initiatives for Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)
18. Dr.Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto, Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo, Dr. Mariane Camargo Priesnitz, Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Me. Vilma da Luz Barbosa- Educating for Sustainability: A Map of the Interconnections Between Education, Health, Legislation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Brasil)
19. Dr.Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto, Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo, Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Me. Vilma da Luz Barbosa- Financial Education In Brazil: Advances, Gaps And Prospects For A More Conscious Society (Brasil)
20. Dr.Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto, Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo, Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Me. Vilma da Luz Barbosa-The Role of Female Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Transformative Change: An Examination of the Challenges and Impacts on Economic Empowerment (Brasil)
21. Assoc. Prof. Aynur Nasirova- Characteristics of Live Broadcast on Sports Channels (Azerbaijan)
22. Assoc. Prof. Xatirə Hüseynova- Perspectives on Common Media Platforms in the Turkish World (Azerbaijan)
23. Izzatli Sabina Vagif-The Future of News: Exploring New Media Formats in Journalism (Azerbaijan)
24. Assoc. Prof. Konul Q. Niftaliyeva—The Development Dynamics of the Typological System of Mass Media (Azerbaijan)
25. Imron Wakhid Harits & Alifia Dinda S.D- African-American in Black Art Movement Perspectives in The Poem “Let America Be America Again” By Langston Hughes (Indonesia)
26. Olga Ipatova- The potential of the intellectual property system to overcome gender inequality in innovation and business (Belarus)
27. Dang-Thanh Nguyen-A New-Age Movement’s Solution to The Precarious Works in Vietnam (Vietnam)
28. Van-Ha Luong Thi- Exploring Ethnic Discourses on Social Media in Vietnam Over the Past Decade: The Influence of Western Decolonial Theories (Vietnam)
29. Rizki Amalia Yanuartha & Putri Hergianasari- The Fighting of Religious Identity Symbols as A Political Communication Tool in the Digital Era (Indonesia)
30. Putri Hergianasari & Rizki Amalia Yanuartha-Gender-Based Anti-Corruption Model: A Sociological Perspective with an Emphasis on Education (Indonesia)
31. Ritu & Saranya T.S.- Neuromarketing and Consumer Manipulation: The ethical implications of using brain data to influence Purchase Behavior (India)
32. Rakshitha A, Shedge Anuja, Nandana V Menon, Saranya T.S. Gayathri Raj- PTSD and the Subconscious: How AI-Powered Dream Hacking Aid in Psychological Recovery (India)
33. Katepalli Gayathri Padmini, Yamini. A, Sumana. J , Musthab Shira S.-Rorschach Inkblot Test Readings of People with Antisocial Personality Disorder (India)
34. Bilha Binoy- Psychological Safety and its Impact on Workplace Innovation (India)
35. Preetha D V, Patra Raja Sulochana, Suhasini D. R., Swathi K M, Saranya T.S. - The Role of Loneliness and Personality Traits in Shaping Parasocial Relationships: A Correlational and Regression Analysis (India)
36. Mahek Doshi - Social Media as a Stress Coping Mechanism: The Hidden Cost of Digital Escapism and Growing Obsession (India)
37. Anushiya Mary M, Aswath Rubena R, Dharani Reddy R., Saranya T.S. & Musthab Shira S- AI's Accuracy In Detecting Emotions For Risk Assessments (India)
38. Malavika- Dark Side of Employee Engagement: Challenges And Consequences For Workplace Well-Being (India)
39. Anutrisha Sanyal, Gitanjali Nagee, Sudarshana Bhattacharjee, Sandeep Kumar Gupta- Digital Overload: Employee Stress in the Era of Constant Connectivity (India)
40. Aiswarya Dinesh- From Burnout to Breakthrough: Addressing Decision Fatigue in High- Pressure Work Environments (India)
41. Aiswarya Maya, Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Saranya T.S.—Evolving Talent Management: HR and Psychological Approach from Millennials to Gen Z (India)
42. Sambhav Kumar, Navisha Bajaj & Saheen Nasreen - Impact of Digital detox on sleep Quality in remote workers (India)
43. P.Shwetha & Gattupalli Suchitra- Impact of AI on Creativity Assessments (India)
44. Rithanya Dharshina S, Saranya T.S.- Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Transform Human Resource Management: Challenges and Opportunities: An analysis of the integration and impact of AI in HR Practices (India)
45. Anjali J Nair, Ekta Nahata & Lahari Chithalapudi- Effectiveness of AI platforms on increasing employee engagement (India)
46. Neha Gupta- Changing dynamic in the workplace in the era of AI (India)
47. Md Dr. Harun Rashid & Wang Hui- The Effect of Vocabulary Mind Mapping through Learning of Undergraduates with High and Low Motivation (Malaysia)
Ülke Bazlı Bildiri İstatistikleri (PROCEEDING)
Tam Metin Bildiri Sayısı
Malaysia: 1
Türkiye: 7
Brazil: 3
Pakistan: 2
Indonesia: 3
Vietnam: 2
Belarus: 1
India: 16
Türkiye - Tam Metin Bildiri Sayısı Toplam: 7
Yurt Dışı - Tam Metin Bildiri Sayısı Toplam: 41
1-Christian Osita GODSON DBA, Benneth Uchenna EZE PhD, Festus EKECHI PhD, Iyabode Abisola ADELUGBA, Oluyemisi AGBOOLA-Optimizing Technopreneurship for Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria
4- Putri Hergianasari & Rizki Amalia Yanuartha-Gender-Based Anti-Corruption Model: A Sociological Perspective with an Emphasis on Education
5-Dr. Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto, Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo, Dr. Mariane Camargo Priesnitz, Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Me. Vilma da Luz Barbosa- Educating for Sustainability: A Map of the Interconnections Between Education, Health, Legislation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
6-Dr.Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto, Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo, Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Me. Vilma da Luz Barbosa- FINANCIAL EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: ADVANCES, GAPS AND PROSPECTS FOR A MORE CONSCIOUS SOCIETY
7-Dr.Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto, Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo, Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Me. Vilma da Luz Barbosa-The Role of Female Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Transformative Change: An Examination of the Challenges and Impacts on Economic Empowerment
8-Md Dr. Harun Rashid, Wang Hui- The Effect of Vocabulary Mind Mapping through Learning of Undergraduates with High and Low Motivation
9-Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Ms Ammber Nosheen- Innovative Educational Technologies and Impact on Student Learning
10-Assist. Prof. Lt Nudrat Bano, Dr. Ijaz Yusuf, Assoc. Prof. Mr. Shahzad Ahmed-Consumer Perspective in Mass Transit Project: A Case Study of OLMT
11-Gülsüm AKBAŞ & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya GİRGİN-Applicability of Technology Integration in Flipped Learning Model: Teacher Opinions
12-Hasan Enes GÜMÜŞ & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya GİRGİN- Differentiated Teaching Practices: Analysis of Lesson Plan Designs for Educational Levels
13-Helin AKÇAY & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya GİRGİN—Examination of Mathematics Teachers' Opinions on Skill-Based (Next Generation) Mathematics Questions
14-Ezgi AKKUŞ, Nilüfer OKUR AKÇAY- The Effect of STEM-Based Practices on the Scientific Process Skills of Primary Teacher Candidates
15-Ezgi AKKUŞ, Nilüfer OKUR AKÇAY- The Views of Primary Teacher Candidates on the STEM Education Approach
16-Prof. Dr. Hikmat G. Hasanov, Ismayil M. Zeynalov, Ph.D.- Manifestation of Nuclear Fallout Considering Climatic Characteristics and Implications for Business in the Territory of Azerbaijan
17-Assoc. Prof., Ulker Kh. Mahmudova- Assessment of Hydrochemical Composition of the Kura River for Sustainable Business Practices
18-Assoc. Prof., Habil T. Hakverdiyev, Mahbuba S. Fatullayeva- The Role of Climatic and Geographical Factors in Assessing the Development of Tourism and Business Opportunities in Karabakh
19-Dang-Thanh Nguyen-A New-Age Movement’s Solution to The Precarious Works in Vietnam
20- Izzatli Sabina Vagif-The Future of News: Exploring New Media Formats in Journalism (Azerbaijan)
21-Imron Wakhid Harits & Alifia Dinda S.D- African-American in Black Art Movement Perspectives in The Poem “Let America Be America Again” By Langston Hughes (Indonesia)
22-Olga Ipatova- The potential of the intellectual property system to overcome gender inequality in innovation and business (Belarus)
23-Van-Ha Luong Thi- Exploring Ethnic Discourses on Social Media in Vietnam Over the Past Decade: The Influence of Western Decolonial Theories (Vietnam)
24. Dr. Serkan ÇİFTCİ- Examination of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of Educational Technologies In Special Education (Türkiye)
25. Dr. Serkan ÇİFTCİ- An Investigation of Teachers' Opinions on the Use of Educational Technologies In Preschool Teacher Training (Türkiye)
26. Ritu & Saranya T.S.- Neuromarketing and Consumer Manipulation: The ethical implications of using brain data to influence Purchase Behavior (India)
27. Rakshitha A, Shedge Anuja, Nandana V Menon, Saranya T.S. Gayathri Raj- PTSD and the Subconscious: How AI-Powered Dream Hacking Aid in Psychological Recovery (India)
28. Katepalli Gayathri Padmini, Yamini. A, Sumana. J , Musthab Shira S.-Rorschach Inkblot Test Readings of People with Antisocial Personality Disorder (India)
29. Bilha Binoy, Saranya T.S.- Psychological Safety and its Impact on Workplace Innovation (India)
30. Preetha D V, Patra Raja Sulochana, Suhasini D. R., Swathi K M, Saranya T.S. - The Role of Loneliness and Personality Traits in Shaping Parasocial Relationships: A Correlational and Regression Analysis (India)
31. Mahek Doshi, Saranya T.S. - Social Media as a Stress Coping Mechanism: The Hidden Cost of Digital Escapism and Growing Obsession (India)
32. *Gayathri Raj, **Anushiya Mary M, ***Aswath rubena R,**** Dharani Reddy R & *****Saranya T.S.
AI's Accuracy In Detecting Emotions For Risk Assessments (India)
33. Malavika, Saranya T.S.- Dark Side of Employee Engagement: Challenges And Consequences For Workplace Well-Being (India)
34- Anutrisha Sanyal, Gitanjali Nagee, Sudarshana Bhattacharjee, Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Saranya TS-Digital Overload: Employee Stress in the Era of Constant Connectivity (India)
35. Aiswarya Dinesh, Saranya TS- From Burnout to Breakthrough: Addressing Decision Fatigue in HighPressure Work Environments (India)
36. Aiswarya Maya, Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Saranya T.S.—Evolving Talent Management: HR and Psychological Approach from Millennials to Gen Z (India)
37. Sambhav Kumar, Navisha Bajaj & Saheen Nasreen - Impact of Digital detox on sleep Quality in remote workers (India)
38. P.Shwetha & Gattupalli Suchitra- Impact of AI on Creativity Assessments (India)
39. Rithanya Dharshina S, Saranya T.S.- Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Transform Human Resource Management: Challenges and Opportunities: An analysis of the integration and impact of AI in HR Practices (India)
40-Anjali J Nair, Ekta Nahata, Lahari Chithalapudi, Saranya T.S.- Effectiveness of AI platforms on increasing employee engagement (India)
41-. Neha Gupta- Changing dynamic in the workplace in the era of AI (India)